Thursday, November 4, 2010

How To Select Default Internet Connection From Multiple Connections

There are times when we have multiple internet connections and multiple gateways to browse the internet. In this situation, we don’t know which internet connection is being used right now. All this can be seen with a built-in command in Windows. Issue the following command and you’ll get the full routing table of Windows:

C:>route print         [For Vista/7         C:\route print -4]

How To Select Default Internet Connection From Multiple Connections

Look for the row which specifies Network destination as and netmask as In this row, you’ll find a default gateway section which will be your gateway. If you have multiple internet connections, you will find multiple entries with the above properties. Now that you have seen the gateways, note down the Metric for each gateway.

The default gateway that is being used for the internet connection is the one with the smallest metric value. If you want to make another internet connection default, you have to change its metric to the lowest.

There is no easy way to edit the routing table and lower the metric value for the default gateway of your choice. NetRouteView is one utility from Nirsoft which can be used to edit these values.

How To Select Default Internet Connection From Multiple Connections

Download NetRouteView from the following link and start it. First select the route you want to make default and then selct File –> Modify Selected Route or simply press Ctrl-M. Now make the Metric value the lowest from all the other default routes we identified previously.

Download NetRouteView

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